Tello S.A., Silva Flores P., Agerer R., Halbwachs H., Beck A., Peršoh D. (2013): Hygrocybe virginea is a systemic endophyte of Plantago lanceolata. Mycol Progress 201310.1007/s11557-013-0928-0
Agerer R. (2013): Exploration and exploitation strategies of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 114: 201 – 219.
Agerer R., Hartmann A., Pritsch K., Raidl S., Schloter M., Verma R., Weigt R. (2012): Plants and Their Ectomycorrhizosphere: Cost and Benefit of Symbiotic Soil Organisms. In Matyssek R., Schnyder H., Oßwald W., Ernst D., Munch J.C., Pretzsch H. (eds.), Growth and Defence in Plants, Ecological Studies 220, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg., pp. 217.
Agerer R., Hartmann A., Pritsch K., Raidl S., Schloter M., Verma R., Weigt R. (2012): Plants and Their Ectomycorrhizosphere: Cost and Benefit of Symbiotic Soil Organisms. In Matyssek R., Schnyder H., Oßwald W., Ernst D., Munch J.C., Pretzsch H. (eds.), Growth and Defence in Plants, Ecological Studies 220, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg., pp. 213 – 242.
Agerer R. (2012): Asexual reproduction of Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus by intracellular microsclerotia in root cells of Picea abies – A winner of ozone stress? Mycol Progress 11: 425 – 434.
Weigt R.B., Raidl S., Verma R., Agerer R. (2012): Exploration type specific standard values of extramatrical mycelium – a step towards quantifying ectomycorrhizal space occupation and biomass in natural soil. Mycol Progress 11: 287 – 297.
Agerer R., Christan J., Mayr C., Hobbie E. (2012): Isotopic signatures and trophic status of Ramaria. Mycol Progress 11:47 59.
Weigt R.B., Raidl S., Verma R., Rodenkirchen H., Göttlein A., Agerer R. (2011): Effects of twice ambient carbon dioxide and nitrogen amendment on biomass, nutrient contents and carbon costs of Norway spruce seedlings as influenced by mycorrhization with Piloderma croceum and Tomentellopsis submollis. Mycorrhiza 21: 375 – 391.
Hobbie E.A., Agerer R. (2010): Nitrogen isotopes in ectomycorrhizal sporocarps correspond to belowground exploration types. Pant Soil 327: 71 – 83.
Azul A.M., Souisa J.P., Agerer R., Martin M.P., Freitas H. (2010): Land use practices and ectomycorrhizal fungal communities from oak woodlands dominated by Quercus suber L. considering drought scenarios. Mycorrhiza 20(2): 73 – 88.
Di Marino E., Montecchio L., Scattolin L., Abs C., Agerer R. (2009): The ectomycorrhizal community structure in European beech forests differing in coppice shoot age and stand features. Forest Ecol 107: 250 – 259.
Weber S.D., Hofmann A., Pilhofer M., Wanner G., Agerer R., Ludwig W., Schleifer K.H., Fried J. (2009): The diversity of fungi in aerobic sewage granules assessed by 18S rRNA gene and ITS sequence analyses. FEMS Microbiol Ecol 68(2): 246 – 257.
Scattolin L., Montecchio L., Mosca E., Agerer R. (2008): Vertical distribution of the ectomycorrhizal community in the top soil of Norway spruce stands. Eur J Forest Res 127: 347 – 357.
Scattolin L., Montecchio L., Agerer R. (2008): The ectomycorrhizal community structure in high mountain Norway spruce stands. Trees 22: 13 – 22.
Koch N., Andersen C.P., Raidl S., Agerer R., Matyssek R., Grams Tee (2007): Temperature respiration relationships differ in mycorrhizal and non mycorrhizal root systems of Picea abies [L.] Karst.. Plant Biol 9: 545 – 549.
Agerer R. (2007): Diversity of ectomycorrhizae as seen from below and above ground: the exploration types. Z Mykol 73(1): 61 – 88.
Baier R., Ingenhaag J., Blaschke H., Göttlein A., Agerer R. (2006): Vertical distribution of an ectomycorrhizal community in upper soil horizons of a young Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stand of the Bavarian Limestone Alps. Mycorrhiza 16(3): 197 – 206.
Agerer R. (2006): Fungal relationships and structural identity of their ectomycorrhizae. Mycol Progress 5(2): 67 – 107.
Raidl S., Bonfigli R., Agerer R. (2005): Calibration of quantitative real time Taqman PCR by correlation with hyphal biomass and ITS copies in mycelia of Piloderma croceum. Plant Biol 7(6): 713 – 717.
Matyssek R., Agerer R., Ernst D., Munch J.C., Oßwald W., Pretzsch H., Priesack E., Schnyder H., Treutter D. (2005): The plant's capacity in regulating resource demand. Plant Biol 7(6): 560 – 559.
Agerer R. (2005): Baumgattungen und ihre Mykorrhizapartner. In Fröhlich H.J. (ed) Vitalisierung von Bäumen. Monumente Publikationen, Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalsschutz, Bonn, pp. 50 – 64.
Baghi R.A., Agerer R. (2005): Bedeutung von AM-Mykorrhizapilzen für Wachstum und Entwicklung der Kulturpflanzen. Naturschutzblätter 3 (4): 40 – 42.
Wittmaack K., Wehnes H., Heinzmann U., Agerer R. (2005): An overview on bioaerosols viewed by scanning electron microscopy. Sci Total Environm 346: 244255.
Agerer R., Iosifidou P. (2004): Rhizomorph structure of Hymenomycetes: a possibility to test DNA-based phylogenetic hypotheses? In Agerer R., Piepenbring M., Blanz P. (eds) Frontiers in Basidiomycote Mycology, IHW-Verlag, Eching, pp 249 – 302.
Agerer R., Raidl S. (2004): Distance-related semi-quantitative estimation of the extramatrical ectomycorrhizal mycelia of Cortinarius obtusus and Tylospora asterophora. Mycol Progress 3(1): 57 – 64.
Pritsch K., Raidl S., Marksteiner E., Blaschke H., Agerer R., Schloter M., Hartmann A. (2004): A rapid and highly sensitive method for measuring enzyme activities in single mycorrhizal tips using 4-methylumbelliferone-labelled fluorogenic substrates in a microplate system. Journal of Microbiological Methods 58: 233 – 241.
Agerer R., Göttlein A. (2003): Correlations between projection area of ectomycorrhizae and H2O extractable nutrients in organic soil layers. Mycological Progress 2(1): 45 – 52.
Schubert R., Raidl S., Funk R., Bahnweg G., Müller-Starck G., Agerer R. (2003): Quatitative detection of agar-cultivated and rhizotron-grown Piloderma croceum Erikss. & Hjortst. by ITS-based fluorescent PCR. Mycorrhiza 13(3): 159 – 165.
Agerer R. (2002): The ectomycorrhiza Piceirhiza internicrassihyphis: a weak competitor of Cortinarius obtusus? Mycol Progress 1(3): 291 – 299.
Agerer R., Grote R., Raidl S. (2002): The new method 'micromapping', a means to study species-specific associations and exclusions of ectomycorrhizae. Mycological Progress 1(2): 155 – 166.
Agerer R. (2001): Exploration types of ectomycorrhizae. A proposal to classify ectomycorrhizal mycelial systems according to their patterns of differentiation and putative ecological importance. Mycorrhiza 11(2): 107 – 114.
Agerer R., Schloter M., Hahn C. (2000): Fungal enzymatic activity in fruitbodies. Nova Hedwigia 71(3 4): 315 – 336.
Trost T., Agerer R., Urbancic M., Kaigher H. (1999): Biodiversity of ectomycorrhizae in a Norway spruce stand on Pokljuka. Phyton (Austria) 39(4): 225 – 232.
Kraigher H., Batic F., Agerer R. (1996): Types of ectomycorrhizae and mycobioindication of forest site pollution. Phyton 36(3): 115 – 120.
Agerer R. (1991): Streuzersetzende Großpilze im Höglwald-Projekt: Reaktionen im vierten Jahr der Behandlung. In Kreutzer K., Göttlein A. (eds.): Ökosystemforschung Höglwald, Beiträge zur Auswirkung von saurer Beregnung und Kalkung in einem Fichtenbestand. Beih Forstwiss Cbl 39: 99 – 103
Hellwig K., Kremheller H.T., Agerer R. (1991): Untersuchungen zur Resistenz von Pseudoperonospora humuli (Miy. & Tak.) Wilson gegenüber Metalaxyl. Gesunde Pfl. 43: 400 – 404.
Meixner S., Agerer R. (1991): Auswirkungen von saurer Beregnung und Kalkung auf den Mykorrhizierungsgrad von Oxalis acetosella L. In Kreutzer K. & Göttlein A. (eds.): Ökosystemforschung Höglwald, Beiträge zur Auswirkung von saurer Beregnung und Kalkung in einem Fichtenbestand. Beih. Forstwiss. Cbl. 39: 99 – 103.
Agerer R. (1990): Gibt es eine Korrelation zwischen Anzahl der Ektomykorrhizen und der Häufigkeit ihrer Fruchtkörper? Z. Mykol. 56: 155 – 158
Agerer R. (1989): Impacts of artificial acid rain and liming on fruitbody production of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Agric. Ecosyst Env 28: 3 – 8.
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Agerer R., Taylor A.F.S., Treu R. (1998): Effects of acid irrigation and liming on the production of fruit bodies by ectomycorrhizal fungi. Plant Soil 199: 83 – 89.
Kammerbauer H., Agerer R., Sandermann H. (1989): Studies on ectomycorrhiza XXII. – Mycorrhizal rhizomorphs of Thelephora terrestris and Pisolithus tinctorius in association with Norway spruce (Picea abies): formation in-vitro and translocation of phosphate. Trees 3: 78 – 84.
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Weiss M., Agerer R. (1986): Reaktionen des Wurzelsystems von Picea abies (L.) Karst. auf Minralstoffernährung und auf Belastung des Sprosses mit Ozon und saurem Nebel. Forstwiss Cbl 105(4): 230 – 233.
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Agerer R. (1983): Fruchtkörperbildung von Mykorrhiza-Pilzen in Abhängigkeit von Klima und Standort. Forstwiss Cbl 102(5): 305 – 307
Kottke I., Agerer R. (1983): Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung der Mykorrhiza in älteren Laub- und Nadelwaldbeständen des Südwestdeutschen Keuperberglandes. Mitt Ver Forstl Standortskd Forstpflanzenzchtg 30: 30 – 39.
Kottke I., Agerer R. (1981): Pilzbestand und Mykorrhizaentwicklung älterer Laub- und Nadelwaldbestände des Südwestdeutschen Keuperberglandes. Z Mykol 47(2): 301.